- Roland Schäfer’s academic CV (German)
- Roland Schäfer’s publications PDF
- List of courses taught by Roland Schäfer (German)
Updated: 1 December 2019
This publication is in the INCUBATOR section.
Roland Schäfer (in preparation) Probabilistic German Morphosyntax. Book version of my cumulative habilitation thesis of the same name. To be submitted in 2020.
This publication is in the INCUBATOR section.
Roland Schäfer (in preparation) Statistische Inferenz in der Linguistik. To be submitted to Language Science Press when it’s done. English version planned to be written after the German version.
The Git repository is here (Roland Schäfer Statistical Inference in Linguistics Git repository), but there isn’t much going on at the moment. It’s still an empty document mostly.
This publication is in the INCUBATOR section.
Roland Schäfer & Ulrike Sayatz (in preparation) Gebrauchsbasierte Graphematik des Deutschen: eine methodische Einführung. To be submitted in Q2/2019 to Language Science Press. Continue reading
This publication is in the INCUBATOR section.
Roland Schäfer (in preparation). The limits of predictability: sequences of oblique attributive adjectives in German. To be submitted in Q3 or Q4 of 2018.
Full dataset and scripts on GitHub. (To be released after paper has been accepted.)