Roland Schäfer (FU Berlin) & Felix Bildhauer (IDS Mannheim). One-day workshop at Lehrer*innen-Informationstag der Lehramtsinitiative der DGfS. 3 March 2020, Hamburg. Download abstract (PDF).
Category Archives: Tutorials/Courses
Bildhauer & Schäfer (2019): Describing corpora, comparing corpora
Felix Bildhauer & Roland Schäfer. A one-day pre-conf tutorial at the annual meeting of the DGfS 2019 in Bremen. 5 March 2019.
Bildhauer & Schäfer: Creation, Use, and Analysis of Linguistically Annotated Resources (DGfS-CL Fall School 2017)
Felix Bildhauer and Roland Schäfer. Creation, Use, and Analysis of Linguistically Annotated Resources [download work-in-progress slides by clicking the title] at DGfS-CL Fall School 2017. 11 September – 22 September 2017 in Düsseldorf.
We are planning to turn most of this material (and then some) into a Creative Commons-licensed book with the working title Many things many linguists should know about the creation, evaluation, and use of corpora* (* But sometimes don’t bother to ask.) (called The Corpus Book for short.)
Linguistische Forschung mit Webkorpora (Leipzig University, 25 April 2017)
Talk & tutorial invited by Institut für Germanistik, Universität Leipzig on 25 April 2017 as part of a series of talks entitled Linguistik im digitalen Zeitalter (Linguistics in the Digitial Age).
Using COW with NoSketchEngine, Manatee, and Python (Frankfurt)
This is a one-day hands-on tutorial for advanced COW users, invited by the Department of English Linguistics at Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main on 15 February 2017. Continue reading
Bildhauer & Schäfer: Working with web corpora (Grammar and Corpora, IDS Mannheim, 8 November 2016)
Bildhauer & Schäfer: Working with web corpora (Corpus Linguistics 2015 workshop)
Workshop on corpora and statistics
Universität Siegen, July 12–13, 2014, teaching language: German
Statistische Verfahren für Linguisten
Statistische Verfahren für Linguisten, Kurzübersicht
Kurzgefasste Korpuslinguistik für Germanisten
Statistik: ANOVA-Musterloesung
Linguistic research with large annotated web corpora
Linguistic research with large annotated web corpora (2013). Pre-conference tutorial, The 20th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, Berlin, August 26, 2013, 9:30 – 16:00
COW Tutorial: Scripts
COW Tutorial: Slides
COW Tutorial: Worksheet
Building large corpora from the web (ESSLLI 2012)
Building large corpora from the web, Foundational course at the European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information 2012, Opole
Building large corpora from the web (for printing)
Building large corpora from the web (for screen reading)