Thesis: Probabilistic German Morphosyntax
Faculty of Languag Sciences at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Referees: Matthias Hüning (FU Berlin), Anke Lüdeling (HU Berlin), Stefan Müller (HU Berlin)
Category Archives: Education
2008: Dr. phil. (PhD) in English Linguistics
Thesis: Arguments and Adjuncts at the Syntax-Semantics Interface
Department of English, Georg-August University Göttingen
Supervisors: Gert Webelhuth, Regine Eckardt
2002: M.A. in General, Comparative, and Japanese Linguistics
Thesis: Typology of Changes in Consonant Clusters (written in German)
Department of Linguistics, Philipps-University Marburg
Supervisors: Michael Job, Götz Keydana