Roland Schäfer (2019) Prototype-driven Alternations: The Case of German Weak Nouns. (free draft version) Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory (CLLT) 15/2. 383–418. DOI 10.1515/cllt-2015-0051. [BibTeX]
Tag Archives: Morphosyntax
Competing Constructions for German Measure NPs (CL2015, Lancaster)
Roland Schäfer & Samuel Reichert. Competing Constructions for German Measure NPs. Talk at Corpus Linguistics 2015, UCREL, Lancaster. July 21–24, 2015.
Inflectional Alternations in German Weak Nouns (2013)
Roland Schäfer: Inflectional Alternations in German Weak Nouns. Workshop “Usage-Based Approaches to Morphology”. Annual conference of the German Linguistic Society 2013, Potsdam. Go to improved paper version.
Linguistic constructions related to the distinction between emotion-denoting and other affect-denoting German nouns (2012)
Roland Schäfer: Linguistic constructions related to the distinction between emotion-denoting and affect-denoting German nouns. Annual conference of SLE 2012, Stockholm.
On Exceptional Vorfeldbesetzung (2010)
Roland Schäfer: On Exceptional Vorfeldbesetzung. Workshop “Quirky Vorfeld Phenomena”. Annual conference of the German Linguistic Society 2010, Berlin.