Machicao y Priemer, Antonio and Müller, Stefan, Schäfer, Roland & Bildhauer, Felix (2023) “Towards a treatment of register phenomena in {HPSG}”, Proceedings of the 29th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar.
In this paper, we deal with register-driven variation from a probabilistic perspective, as proposed in Schäfer, Bildhauer, Reiß, Pankratz, Müller (in prep.). We compare two approaches to analyse this variation within HPSG. On the one hand, we consider a multiple-grammar approach and combine it with the architecture proposed in the CoreGram project Müller (2015) – discussing its advantages and disadvantages. On the other hand, we take into account a single-grammar approach and argue that it appears to be superior due to its computational efficiency and cognitive plausibility.
BibTeX entry
@inproceedings{MachicaoypriemerEa2023, author = Antonio {Machicao y Priemer} and Stefan Müller and Roland Schäfer and Felix Bildhauer}, title = {Towards a treatment of register phenomena in {HPSG}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {29th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar}, {Nagoya University \& Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics}}, address = {Frankfurt/Main}, date = {2022}, doi = {10.21248/hpsg.2022.5}, pages = {86--101}, publisher = {University Library} }