Felix Bildhauer & Roland Schäfer. Induktive Topikmodellierung und extrinsische Topikdomanen. Kurzvortrag und Poster. Jahrestagung des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache (IDS) Mannheim. 09. März 2016.
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Tag Archives: Corpus evaluation
Bildhauer & Schäfer: Working with web corpora (Corpus Linguistics 2015 workshop)
The Good, the Bad, and the Hazy: Design Decisions in Web Corpus Construction (2013)
Roland Schäfer, Adrien Barbaresi & Felix Bildhauer: The Good, the Bad, and the Hazy: Design Decisions in Web Corpus Construction. 8th Web as Corpus Workshop (WAC-8). Corpus Linguistics 2013, Lancaster. Go to proceedings.
9th Web as Corpus Workshop (WAC-9)
Endorsed by ACL SIGWAC, co-located with EACL 2014, April 26, 2014 (Gothenburg, Sweden).
Organized by Felix Bildhauer and Roland Schäfer.
Visit official WAC-9 homepage for details. Visit WAC-9 proceedings page.
Web Data as a Challenge for Theoretical Linguistics and Corpus Design (DGfS 2014)
Date: | March 5–6, 2014 | |
Hosting event: | 36th Annual Conference of the German Linguistic Society 2014 | |
Location: | Marburg University (Marburg/Lahn, Germany) | |
Organizers | Felix Bildhauer (COW/German Grammar, FU Berlin/SFB632) | |
Roland Schäfer (COW/German Grammar, FU Berlin) | ||
Invited speaker: | Stefan Evert, FAU Erlangen |
The Good, the Bad, and the Hazy: Design Decisions in Web Corpus Construction (Proc WAC)
Web Corpus Construction (Morgan & Claypool)
Roland Schäfer & Felix Bildhauer (2013) Web Corpus Construction. Morgan and Claypool. [BibTeX]
Websites: Morgan & Claypool (official), Companion web site (additional information, errata, etc.)
Reviews: Serge Sharoff in Computational Linguistics 41(1) (2015), Mats Wirén in Nordic Journal of Linguistics 37, 03 (2014)
Building large corpora from the web (ESSLLI 2012)
Building large corpora from the web, Foundational course at the European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information 2012, Opole
Building large corpora from the web (for printing)
Building large corpora from the web (for screen reading)